Pro Bono Professional Appointments and Activities

Member, CODATA Task Group on Geophysical Indications for Environment and Sustainability, October 2023 to present.

Deputy Director and Corporate Secretary, Catskill Explorer Ltd., 10/20 to 11/24.

Member, Steering Committee, CODATA-CNIC Program on a Global Open Science Cloud, October 2020-April 2024.

Member, Scientific Advisory Board, VEO European Comomunities Research Project (on the genomic data of emerging infectious diseases), since October 2020.

Member, Board of Directors, Dryad, May 2018-November 2021.

Ex Officio Member, Board on Research Data and Information, U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS), April 2017-January 2020.

Member, Digital Belt and Road (DBAR) Scientific Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences, since November 2016.

Member, Technical Advisory Board, Research Data Alliance, from October 2016 to October 2019. Co-chair from November 2018-October 2019.

Member, CODATA Executive Committee, September 2016-July 2020.

Chair, CODATA International Data Policy Committee, September 2016-July 2020. Member, July 2020-December 2023.

Member, Advisory Board for Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub, National Science Foundation Research Project, from August 2016-September 2019.

Member, GLOBIS-B Expert Group, European Communities Research Project, May 2016-June 2018.

Member, Open MinTeD External Experts Committee, European Communities Research Project, February 2016-December 2017.

Member, Expert Advisory Board, COMPARE European Communities Research Project, from October 2015-October 2019.

Member, Committee on Open Data in a Big Data World, Science International, September-December 2015.

Associate Editor, Global Change Research Data Publishing and Repository, Chinese Academy of Sciences, December 2014 - December 2018.

Member of Organizing Committee and Session Chair, 2nd Thematic Conference on the Knowledge Commons, New York University, November 2013-September 2014.

Member, US Advisory Committee, Research Data Alliance, since November 2013.

Co-chair, International Workshop on Open Data for Science and Sustainability in Developing Countries (in Nairobi 08/2014), November 2013-August 2014.

Co-chair, Interest Group on Legal Interoperability of Research Data, Research Data Alliance-CODATA, since March 2013.

Member, Advisory Council, Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute for Remote Sensing Applications and Digital Earth, since April 2013.

Databib Advisory Board, June 2012-December 2013.

Member of Organizing Committee and Session Chair, 1st Thematic Conference on the Knowledge Commons, Universite catholique de Louvain, September 2011-September 2012.

Member, Lin Chao Geomuseum Advisory Council, since October 2012.

Member, Advisory Board, European Commission Program on Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information, Turin, Italy, January 2010-September 2012.

Member, International Editorial Board, Journal of Remote Sensing, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, since December 2009.

Member, High-Level Expert Group on Digital Libraries, European Commission, May-December 2009.

Co-chair, United Nations GAID Global Alliance for Promoting Access to and Application of Digital Data in Developing Countries, October 2006-December 2012.

Co-chair, Data Sharing Working Group, Group on Earth Observations, Geneva, Switzerland, since October 2006.

Member, Editorial Board, Data Science Journal, CODATA, Paris, since December 2008.

Member, Advisory Board, COMMUNIA Network, Turin, Italy, January 2008-July 2010.

Member, CODATA Conference Scientific Programme Committee, Paris, France (every 2 years since 1996).

Lead author, CODATA drafting committee for White Paper and Implementation Guidelines for the Global Earth Observations System of Systems Data Sharing Principles, April 2007-May 2009.

Chair, CODATA Data Policy Committee, Paris, France, March 2007-October 2012.

Co-chair, United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID) project on Scientific Data for Developing Countries, since January 2007.

Co-chair, 298th Xiangshan Science Conference on Strategic Conversation on International Biomedical Data Sharing, Beijing, China, March 2007.

Advisor, Committee on Scholarly Publishing in South Africa, Academy of Science of South Africa, November 2006-October 2008.

Co-organizer, Seminario del Asignación de Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual y Licenciamiento Abierto de Información Generada por Instituciones Públicas y Universidades, para la Promoción del Acceso al Conocimiento, with the Chilean Ministry of Education and Catholic University of Chile, in Santiago, November 2006.

Member, Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association Commiittee on Socioeconomics Aspects of Geospatial Data, since November 2006.

Session Chair, The Commons of Science Conference, Washington, DC, October 2006.

Co-chair, Data Sharing Task Force, Group on Earth Observations, since October 2006.

Chair, Pro Bono Legal Working Group (on data law and policy), Global Biodiversity Information Facility, June 2006-December 2007.

Private sector advisor for the U.S. Department of State to the Working Party on the Information Economy, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), since May 2006.

Invited participant, Workshop on Economic Impacts of Open Access Publishing, Open Society Institute, NY, NY, March 2006.

Invited participant, Workshop on the International Polar Year Data and Information System, Cambridge, UK, March 2006.

Private sector advisor, U.S. Government Delegations to the OECD Committee on Scientific and Technical Policy, October 2005, and to the World Summit on the Information Society, Tunis, Tunisia, November 2005.

Co-chair, session on Global Information Commons for Science Initiative, and member, International Program Committee, Conference on the Past Present, and Future of Research in the Information Society, Tunis, November 2005

Co-chair, CODATA International Workshop on Creating the Information Commons for e-Science: Toward Institutional Frameworks and Policy Guidelines, Paris, France, September 2005.

Member, Editorial Board, Polimetrica Open Access series, 2005-2007.

Official U.S. representative to OECD Expert Data Group, September 2004-December 2006.

Member, ad hoc Federal interagency working group on federal software acquisition guidelines (open source vs. proprietary), May-June 2004.

Member (only non-Canadian), Canadian government Task Force on Access to Scientific Data, February 2004-February 2005.

Member, Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights, Global Biodiversity Information Facility, March 2004.

Member, National Institutes of Health’s Bioengineering Consortium Symposium External Advisory Committee, October 2002-June 2003.

Chair and organizer, Session on Intellectual Property and Government Data Policy, First International Conference on the State of Remote Sensing Law, University of Mississippi School of Law, April 2002.

Member, CODATA Task Group on Preservation of and Access to Scientific and Technical Data in Developing Countries, since October 2002.

Rapporteur, American Association for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Workshop on the Contribution of Earth Observing Space Systems to the Development and Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Seville, Spain, March 2001.

Member, Working Group on the Public Trust in Information, organized by the New York University and UC Berkeley Law Schools, October 2000.

Member, World Federation of Scientists’ Panel on Climate, Ozone, and Greenhouse Effect, June 1999-August 2000.

Invited panel discussant on legal issues at the American University "Symposium on Remote Sensing and the News Media," March 1996, Washington, D.C.

Member, GIS Law Journal Advisory Board, 1995-2000.

Session Moderator at the Conference on Law and Information Policy for Spatial Databases, Arizona State University College of Law, October 1994.

Session Chair for an International Society for Knowledge Organization conference on Environmental Knowledge Organization and Information Management in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, September 1994.

Chair for an AIAA Public Policy Forum on "Aerospace Trade and the Newly Independent States—The Art of the Deal," Washington, D.C., May 1994.

Member, AIAA Orbital Debris Committee on Standards and its Subcommittee on Non-Geostationary Orbits, November 1992-October 1999.

Invited participant, Department of Energy's internal conference on the Integration of DOE Basic Energy Research and other DOE Programs, April 1993.

Member, AIAA Coordinating Committee on Aerospace and Environment, November 1992-October 1993.

Member, AIAA Public Policy Committee, and two subcommittees, May 1992-April 1998.

Member, AIAA Standards Executive Council, April 1991-April 1997.

Conference co-organizer and session chairman for conference on "Preservation of Near-Earth Space for Future Generations" at the University of Chicago, June 1992.

Judge, Moot Court Competition for the 1992 World Space Congress, sponsored by the Association of U.S. Members of the International Institute of Space Law, May 1992.

Chair, three-panel AIAA Special Study, Orbital Debris Mitigation Techniques: Technical, Economic, and Legal Aspects, May 1989-April 1992.

Chair and organizer of session on "Earth Observation Satellites and Environmental Decision-Making," AAAS annual meeting, February 1991.

Chair and organizer of session on "Orbital Debris-Policy Issues," at the AIAA Space Technologies Conference, Huntsville, AL, September 1990.

Member, AIAA Legal Aspects Technical Committee, December 1988-December 1996.

Member, Translations Board, American Geophysical Union, July 1988-June 1990.

Chair, AIAA Special Study, 1991 Earth Observations Directory: A Worldwide Listing of Institutions, Groups, and Individuals, June 1988-November 1990.

Member, AIAA Space-Based Observation Systems Committee on Standards (SBOS COS), June 1988-February 1991.
- Chairman, Liaison Subcommittee for the SBOS COS, June 1988-February 1991.
- Contributing editor to the committee's newsletter, the Orbiter.

Member, Astrolaw Advisory Council, National Legal Center for the Public Interest, 1985-1987.

Member, Research Users' Panel for the Sea Wide-Field Sensor Working Group, NASA/NOAA/ EOSAT Co., 1987.

Member, NASA Space Station Law Advisory Committee, 1986.


Peer Reviews

International Science Council, 2020.

"Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2020.

National Science Review, 2017.

Congressional Office of Technology Assessment reports (5), 1985-1995.

Government Information Quarterly, 2009.

Issues in Science and Technology, 2012.

BioScience, 2013.

Science Journal, 2012, 2013, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2024.

BioMed Central Genomics, 2013.

Geospatial Data Journal, 2013.

International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 2014.

International Journal of the Commons, 2016.

Journal of Big Data & Society, 2017.

Data Science Journal, 2008, 2018, 2019 (4), 2022 (2), 2023, 2024.

Numerous conference abstracts, since 1992.


Dissertation Committees

Dissertation review committee at Syracuse University School of Information Science, 2013.

LLM thesis committee at Duke University Law School, 2011.



Visiting professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China, November-December 2013.

Visiting scholar, International Council for Science, Paris, France, March-April 2006.



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